Discovery Tool

The Discovery Tool will find the TPDIN® on your connected network so you can access it even if you don’t know the IP Address.  We created a new Discovery Tool based on Java so it will work on virtually any platform: Windows, Linux, Apple IOS

Discovery Tool VersionRelease DateDescription
2.4  (JAR File)Feb 11 2019Java Based Discovery Tool ( Windows, Linux, MAC) – Stable Version
1.1  (ZIP File)Oct 9 2012Original Discovery Tool ( Windows EXE Only)


TPDIN-Monitor-WEB (Legacy) Firmware

Our original TPDIN® remote monitoring and control system

SNMP MIB File: The SNMP MIB file defines the OID’s used in the TPDIN-Monitor-WEB. This is useful if you are pulling readings or controlling relays via SNMP. 
Download SNMP MIB File, OID File

Firmware and Webpages are a matched set. Upgrade the firmware first and web pages second:

First download the latest firmware (HEX) and web pages file (BIN) . You may need to use “Save Link As” to download the files.

The firmware is updated using TFTP. The command format is “tftp -i PUT ‘Tycon Firmware Filename’.hex”.
When the Web Voltmeter is first powered up it will accept a TFTP upload on IP Address within 3 seconds of powerup.
Power up the unit and within 3 seconds, start the TFTP command to upload the firmware to the unit.

To update the webpages to the latest you need to access the unit with a browser and enter the units IP address and “mpfsupload” like <IP ADDRESS>/mpfsupload. This will open a page where you can select the web pages file to upload.

Firmware VersionRelease DateUpdatesFirmware Hex FileWeb Pages Bin File
1.1.15Oct 31 2016Fix issue with periodic email alertsDownloadDownload (no change)
1.1.14Jun 28 2016Fix issue with SNMP read time and SNMP crashing.DownloadDownload (no change)
1.1.13Mar 15 2016Fix issue with MAC Address first Byte intermittent read.DownloadDownload
1.1.12Oct 27 2015Change timezone to allow fractional decimal.DownloadDownload
 Nov 09 2015New Web Pages File to add a checkbox to disable switch confirmations Download
1.1.11Sep 17 2014

Changes to Control page email alerts. 

Note: This update will overwrite all previous Control and System Page settings

 Apr 19 2015New Web Pages File to display hostname in browser tab Download
 Aug 20 2015New Web Pages File to fix field too small problem with Safari on MAC Download
1.1.10Jan 16 2014 DownloadDownload 


Release Notes