How can I send TP2700WC WeatherSmart data to my server?

Note: This is only applicable to the TP2700WC weather stations and earlier.

If you select Custom on the upload screen and put in a server address, select PHP, and select default, it will send the data to Yourserver/weatherstation/updateweatherstation.php

It sends an http GET request with the following data pairs.

Note: The units can’t be changed, you would need to convert them upon receipt.

  • ID – 123
  • PASSWORD – 123
  • intemp – 24.6
  • outtemp – 19.2
  • dewpoint – 9.1
  • windchill – 19.2
  • heatindex – 19.2
  • inhumi – 38
  • outhumi – 52
  • windspeed – 0.0
  • windgust – 0.0
  • winddir – 45
  • absbaro – 987.2
  • relbaro – 981.2
  • rainrate – 0.0
  • dailyrain – 0.0
  • weeklyrain – 20.1
  • monthlyrain – 20.1
  • yearlyrain – 20.1
  • light – 1221.7
  • UV – 0
  • dateutc – 2016-6-8 16:35:9
  • softwaretype – WeatherSmart V1.1.0
  • action – updateraw
  • realtime – 1
  • rtfreq – 5