Let’s Connect!
We love connecting with our customers, fellow solar power buffs, other manufacturers/vendors, and anyone who will have us. This industry is global, allowing us to connect with people all over different parts of the world! It truly makes this industry an exciting, and very innovative market to be in.
We use multiple mediums to connect with others and put out information such as sales, how-to’s, different products we carry, resources we offer, etc. Follow us:
Instagram: @TyconSystems
Facebook: Tycon Systems Inc.
Youtube: Tycon TV
– Youtube is a project we are working towards starting back up on again, so follow along to get visual insight and learn more about our products, the setup, the takedown, how to fix certain issues, etc.
To subscribe to our bi-monthly newsletters go to the bottom right of this page, and enter your email. This is the connection you will want if you are interested in learning more, hearing about discounts, and finding out what is to come! We have so many fun announcements in the works, so you will want to be included on our email list.