How Do I Download and Install the Discovery Tool?

EZ-Bridge® Viewed: 229

To run the discovery tool, first, you need to have Java installed on your computer.

  1. Download Java from here:  “
  2. Run the java installation file and follow the prompts on the installation wizard.
  3. Once you have Java installed on your computer you may now run the discovery tool.
  4. Download the Discovery Tool here:
  5. Make sure to use the appropriate discovery tool for your EZ Bridge.
  6. TyconOS Discovery Tool V2.6 for EZ Bridge AC-Dual
  7. TyconOS Discovery Tool V2.5 for EZ Bridge LT+
  8. WISPOS Discovery Tool v1-3-5 for EZ Bridge LT
  9. Ultra Discovery Tool for EZ Bridge Ultra

If the discovery tool still doesn’t run, please follow the instructions here: